Friday, January 11, 2008

Cleaning Closets

I like to start the New Year by cleaning closets. I have donated four bags of stuff to charity this last week. Stuff that no longer filled a need. I had quite a collection of denims that I'd planned to use for a quilt or some other craft. Fabrics that were once destined to be part of the family wardrobe, now passed on to encourage some one else to dream a while. And books. I always buy too many books. I do read them. But I always think, "I'll read that again." and don't. So it becomes clutter.

I inherited the tendency to save from two wonderful parents who grew up during the Great Depression. At least that's my excuse. But I have tried to adopt the maxim, 'When you bring something new into your life, take out something old.' And it seems to work pretty well. At least with things. As I've grown older I've learned to hang on to the things that REALLY matter. Friends, Family, Memories.

Cleaning closets gives me a time to reflect on the past year, what I've accomplished, and to affirm what I wish to do in the coming year.

Yours for a clutter-free 2008,


P.S. Oh, yes. I did have the biopsy and it went well...just waiting to hear back from the results and the doctors' plans for me.

Love you all, my dear friends


Karen J. Hopper said...

Think I'll just peek into my closets this weekend. Then Monday reread your post and let the guilt sweep over me. Your words are an incentive to get to cleaning - and most importantly, to reflect on friends, family and memories. Blessings, love and prayers to you.

Laquita Mullings said...

You know, I always have such good intentions, but alas, something else much more fun seems to present it self. When I go to my closet the next time I am hit with remorse. But...there is always tomorrow.
We're praying for you and hope the results of the biopsy bring much hope. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Sending much love to you and your family.
Laquita Mullings

Unknown said...

Sister Brown--

Glad you're cleaning closets. Glad the biopsy is over...I'm continuing to believe God for your healing.

We love you.

Shirley Buxton

Unknown said...

We too have been cleaning out our closets. Something about the new year makes one want to get a fresh start, and cleaning out closets is a good beginning.

We are continuing to uphold you and your family in our prayers.

Much Love,
Karen Mester

Carol Connell said...

Ah, cleaning closets! It's not one of my favorite things to do, but it is necessary from time to time. I am working on downsizing my homeschool closet by getting rid of some books that the kids have outgrown.

We contine to hold you and your family up in our prayers.

The Connells

Sparky said...

mommy...your amazing! I love all of your writings and reading your bits of wisdom and experiences on here. I read it every day at work. I love you so much mommy and I pray for you daily!